Publication Type journal
Publisher Nigerian Academic Forum: A multidisciplinary Journal.
Paper Link
Publication Authors J. C. Morka and D. N. Nwachukwu
Year Published 2012-11-05
Abstract • The F2 region of the Ionosphere is a complex one. There are large irregular changes of foF2 from day - to - day. This paper discusses the diurnal and seasonal variations of foF2. While the diurnal variation of foF2 has a maximum value at a time far from mid-day, the seasonal variation curve has two maximum points in the months of March and November respectively, with a minimum in July. Thus, indicating that the seasonal variation of foF2 is a semi - annual one. It was also shown that for short time variations, the day-to-day variability in foF2 is neither due to season nor relative sunspot number, Rz. The test of significance between the standard errors of foF2 before and after correction for season and Rz show no significant difference at 95% level of significance.
Publication Title Day-To-Day Variability in Some Ionospheric Parameters in the Quiet Equatorial Ionosphere

Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Trend in Research and Development,
Paper Link
Publication Authors Morka, J.C, Molua, O.C & Nwachuku, D.N
Year Published 2016-10-26
Abstract Day-to-Day Variability is some ionospheric
parameters in the quiet equatorial ionosphere, case study: foE
is hereby presented. The diurnal variation curve of foE showed
a symmetrical one with a peak value at noon. The seasonal
variation curve of the foE has two maximum points in the
months of April and August. It is also shown that for short
time variation, the day-to-day variability in the E-region of the
ionospheric critical frequency, foE is not due to season nor
relative sunspot number Rz. The test of significance carried
out between the standard errors of foE before and after
correction showed no significant difference at 95% level of significance.
Publication Title Environmental Audit of Camelite Paint Manufacturing Company Located at Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria. Case Study: Analysis of Effluent/Borehole water Discharge

Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management
Paper Link DOI: 10.35629/5252-0305965971
Publication Authors J. C. Morka , Dr. C. O. Molua , D. N. Nwachuku , D. A. Ogwu and Dr. A. O. Ukpene
Year Published 2021-05-11
Abstract An Environmental Audit (E.A)
study of physiochemical and bacteriological
effluent and borehole discharges of Camelite paint
Manufacturing company limited, Agbor was
investigated. pH was determined using the pH
meter pre-calibrated using buffer 4 and 9. TDS
contents were estimated using Lovibond
conductivity meter. Heavy meal concentrations
were determined with Spectra AA varion 400 plus
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Total aerobic
bacterial counts were determined by the pour-plate
technique technique. Total coliform counts were
determined by the Most Probable Number (MPN)
technique. The study revealed low pH, low TDS
and small quantities of cations and heavy metal
presence, and high total coliform bacteria counts of
42.2MPN/100ml which contributed to the
bacteriological pollution of rivers and coastal
waters resulting in limited possibilities of their use
for recreation. It is suggested that to detect coliform
organisms in water, either the multiple tubefermentation-technique or the use of the Membrane
Filter be employed because of the disadvantages
associated with the so called Most-ProbableNumber technique whose test is not sensitive to
large fluctuations in coliform densities.
Management of Camelite should consider pollution
abatement and ensure compliance with
environmental requirements.
Publication Type journal
Publisher COOU Journal of Physical Sciences
Paper Link
Publication Authors NWACHUKU D. N. and MORKA J
Year Published 2022-01-05
Abstract Electron densities of impurity atoms have been obtained using three embedding functions
based on the three models proposed by Johnson (1989), Idiodi and Obodi (1993) and Oh and
Johnson (1988). The calculations were for the following fcc metals: Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, Au and Ag.
Experimental values of dilute limit heat of solution of the binary alloys of these metals were
used as input parameters. The purpose was to investigate whether consistent values of the
electron density could be obtained from these functional forms using Johnson's alloy .model.
From the results for each impurity electron density (p) as a function of atomic distance (r), the
three derived models showed similar trend except for pd impurity. However, from the calculated results, the impurity electron densities did give consistent values.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Research in Pure and Applied Sciences
Publication Authors Morka, J.C., Nwachukwu D.N. and Osuhor O.P.
Year Published 2013-12-01
Abstract Abstract
Agbor, a predominantly agricultural setting of latitude 6.43 °N was used in this study. The
variation of solar power with time in a day was observed and crops response to the variation is
highlighted. The measured solar radiation along with observed records of temperature and
relative humidity were employed to calculate potential evapotranspiration by two radiation
methods (the modified radiation method (Makkink formular, and Jensen — Haise method).
Subsequently, crop evapotranspiration were calculated for guinea corn and maize.
Publication Title Electronic Band Structure of Copper Zine Tin Sulphide (CuyZnSnSy).
Publication Type journal
Publisher TOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP)
Paper Link DOL: 10.9790/1861-110202748]1
Publication Authors 'Nwachuku D.N. & Omehe N.N
Year Published 2019-04-11
Abstract CuyZnSnSy (CZTS) made entirely of abundant materials, has attracted a great interest due to its
potential applications in sustainable thin-film solar cell devices. The electronic band structure of kesterite CusZnSuS, compound has been calculated using the pseudo-potential method. Projector augmented waves (PAW) within the density functional theory (DFT) was used in all calculations using local density approximation (LDA) for one calculation and inclusion of potential correlation term, U to LDA (ie LDA + U)
in another calculation. The results predicted CusZnSnS, to be a p-type semiconductor with bandgap value for (1) LDA as 0.039 el and (2) LDA + U as 1.83 el This band gap value of 1.83 eV’ is in agreement with experimental results and it confirmed the material as a good absorber laver for solar cells. The density of states
(DOS) showed that the conduction band was mainly contributions from Sn-5p and Zn-4s orbitals. It is
recommended that the orbital independent term, U be added to {.DA during calculations because it improves the band gap value.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Research in Education Volume 2 Number 1
Publication Authors Morka, J.C.! Nwachukwu D.N. ? Osuhor O.P. ?
Year Published 2013-12-01
Abstract The types of learning experiences which many of our schools and college subject offer should
be examined beyond the common framework of affective and cognitive knowledge acquisition
(o the inclusion of the skills for their illustration, demonstration and application. Life-long
empowerment is better achieved through education-guided human capital development,
which has as its basic components skill acquisition. Also human capital development is best
cultured via sound mind. Course contents in schools should seriously emphasize functionality
in science education to ensure that learners are equipped with the potentials and capabilities
for self reliance, economic security and the production ambience of good knowledge. This is
the focus of this paper.
Publication Title Electronic Properties of the Chalcopyrites AgFeS,, -AgFeSe; and AgFeTe; Compounds
Publication Type journal
Publisher IAAM - VBRI Press
Paper Link DOI: 10.5185 famlett.2021.011597
Publication Authors N. N. Omehe’, D. N.Nwachuku
Year Published 2021-12-01
Abstract The electronic properties of the Chalcopyrites AgFeS; AgFeSes and AgFeTe2have been investigated using the
pseudopotential method within the density functional theory (DFT). The LDA+U technique and the projector
~ augmented waves (PAW) were used for the electronic band structure calculations, while the norm-conserving pseudopotentials were used for the structure optimization. The calculated results showed that
AgFeS, AgFeSes and AgFeTes are semiconductors with energy bandgap values of 3.33 eV, 0.05 eV and 1.30
eV respectively. The transition points in the band structure were all notable because of the narrowness of
the bands about the Fermi level. The total density of states and their corresponding partial density of states
were also computed.
Publication Title Comparative Study of the Electronic and Optical Properties of ZnGeP2, ZnGeAs2 and ZnSnP2 Compounds
Publication Type journal
Publisher World Scientific News
Publication Authors D. N. Nwachuku and N. N. Omehe
Year Published 2023-06-17
Abstract The electronic structure optimization, electronic band structure, density of states and orbital
decomposition of the density of states has been computed for ZnGeP2, ZnGeAs2, and ZnSnP2. The
computations were performed within the frame work of the density functional theory (DFT), using the
pseudopotential method with projector augmented wave (PAW). The LDA+U technique was used for
the computations. The result of the optimization was found to be in good agreement with experimental
findings. The calculated result show that materials under investigation were semiconductors. From the
finding of this research, ZnGeP2 has a direct band gap with a value of 1.52 eV, ZnGeAs2 has a direct
band gap of 0.72 eV and ZnSnP2 gas an indirect band of about 1.91 eV. The calculated value of ????1
for ZnGeP2, ZnGeAs2, and ZnSnP2 are about 26, 40, and 9 respectively.
Publication Title A Study of the Electronic Band Structure of Cu4SnS4
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Basic Science and Technology
Publication Authors Omehe N. N., Iyayi S. E. and Nwachuku D, N.
Year Published 2015-10-25
Abstract method within density functional theory framework was performed. LDA+U technique and the projector augmented wave PAW was used in all the calculations. The caleulated results showed that CusSnSs is p-type semiconductor with a band gap energy value of 1.57 eV. It was also discovered that the gamma to X transition was critical in the structure of the material.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Research and Development,
Paper Link Journal of Research and Development,
Publication Authors MORKA J. C. AND NWACHUKU D. N (MRS)
Year Published 2011-12-16
Abstract A detector of heat radiation, designed and constructed with local materials is presented. The
instrument is calibrated and the performance studied. The detector consists of 100 hot junctions
and 100 cold junctions. The hot junctions are mounted on a flat plate collector and exposed to
the radiation to be measured, while the cold junctions are shielded from the direct incident
radiation. The thermo junction e.m.f of the incident radiation. The instrument is measured on a
modified potentiometer; this gives a measure of the instrument detects both the infra-red
radiation and the heat energy associated with the visible range of spectrum. The detector is cheap, sensitive and particularly suitable for detecting the radiant heat from the sun
Publication Title Geophysical Assessment of Coastal Erosion in Nigeria's Coastal Regions: Strategies for Protection and Management

Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering (IJRISE) having E-ISSN: 2394-8299 P-ISSN: 2394-8280
Publication Authors Molua. O. C* , Ukpene. A. O, Vwavware. J. O , Nwachuku. D. N, Osuhor. P. O
Year Published 2021-10-09
Abstract Abstract: The main purpose of this geophysical assessment was to learn as much as possible
about how coastal erosion happens in Nigeria's coastal areas. The end goal was to come up with
effective and efficient ways to manage and protect these areas. The research employed a variety
of geophysical methodologies, such as GPR, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), and
bathymetric surveys, to collect essential data. GPR was utilized to examine the properties of soil
and sediment beneath the surface. This investigation unveiled regions where soil cohesion was
diminished, rendering them vulnerable to erosion. The organization ERT conducted a
comprehensive analysis to determine the scope of saltwater intrusion and the dynamics of
groundwater, with a specific focus on identifying areas susceptible to erosion. Bathymetric
surveys were conducted to evaluate alterations in submerged topography and shoreline
morphology over time, thereby elucidating patterns of shoreline regression. The assessments
yielded significant insights into the vulnerabilities of coastal erosion, revealing distinct
correlations among soil characteristics, saltwater intrusion, and shoreline alterations. The
findings above provide a basis for the formulation of specific strategies to preserve and oversee
Nigeria's susceptible coastal areas, thereby fostering the sustainable management of coastal ecosystems and ensuring the protection of coastal communities.
Publication Type journal
Publisher The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology
Paper Link
Publication Authors J.C. Morka* ; D.N. Nwachuku; and D.A. Ogwu.
Year Published 2015-05-22
Abstract This study presents the ionosphere effects of
geomagnetic storms using N-h profiles. The data
used are from ionograms at Ibadan (Latitude 70
260N, longitude 3.540
E and magnetic Dip of 60
the result show a lot of variations as there are
positive and negative storm phases. The
disturbance daily variation of the electron density
NmF2, the height of maximum electron density
NmF2 and the sub peak electron density nT were
then obtained to study the correlation between the
disturbed and quiet days.

Publication Type journal
Publisher COOU Journal of Physical Sciences
Paper Link Website:
Publication Authors MORKA J.C.,NWACHUKU D.N & MOLUA O. C
Year Published 2022-06-23
Abstract This study investigates variability in the micro climate of Benin Metropolis within the period
of six years 1980-1985 and 2000 -2005 using temperature as the principal parameter.
Secondary data obtained from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency Benin Airport and
Nigerian Institute For Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) Benin, were subjected to Mann-Whitney U
rank statistics to test for the significant variation. The result obtained showed that there were
significant differences in the mean of temperature between 1980 — 1985 and 200-2005 (U =
32.000, SE = 4.233. p value = 0.002). It is recommended that,the public should be enlightened
and educated by the regulatory authority regarding the danger of global warming by providing
collaboration among all institutions and organization